ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gorham News in September 2011

 (Some of you may already have received this information, but I must add it to the blog for myself.)
Just a note to update you on the Gorham happenings. 
As you know Joe and I were both sad and happy that Jerren and Pat had to delay their move back home to Ft. Pierce. Happy they will make more $ for their house fund, but sad as I want them closer. We have since found out that their next travel assignment might actually be at the hospital in Ft. Pierce. How wonderful would that be?!! 
They did come home to visit Sept. 7-12  as Pat flew to Las Vegas for a bachelor party. We got to visit with Pat Wednesday night-through Friday and we had Jerren to play with until Sunday!

We picked Conor up in Ft. Lauderdale airport Saturday August 27th @ 6 am.  And what a treat to have him home and hear his adventures in person. We sat for hours, elbows on the counter listening to stories of gorgeous beaches, pirates, tropical food, 12 foot waves, and beautiful places! We were missing Meghan, who had to stay behind with the boat and dogs, but she was included in every story as he bragged about her skills as a sailor and a true partner during the smooth times, as well as the rough storms.

Conor is working at Key West hospital till middle of October-possibly a little longer-covering for a pharmacist that needs a vacation. He will be one week on and one week off and doing computer work for them in between shifts at home in Ft. Pierce. He is not thrilled being back in the real 8-5 world, but I could not be happier! If only Megs was here too! She, meanwhile, is holding down the Gualby in Panama--I have the utmost respect for her sharing Conor.  I know she understands he is re-building their travel account, but she is a really good sport about all this. He will soon be heading back to her, his dogs and Panama. 

New details  
I was absolutely thrilled to have Conor and Jerren both home at the same time, even if only for two days. That has not happened in a long time! Shared family meals and the beach once again!

Tadpole (aka Lit-el-Bit) has weaseled his way into Conor and Jerren's heart and arms. He is a great pet and I am so happy he found us! He fits right in--especially on everyone's lap!.
If you are wondering why the beach is so empty-
there were warnings for stinging sea lice and jellyfish

Con and Jerren surfed.
They can attest to the fact that the warning was indeed correct!
Charlotte is expecting a new brother or sister any day now.
Courtney is due 9/25/11

Best Buddies!

Conor and Tad watch TV
Hard not to accept that Tad is a lap dog!

Never thought I would, but he just has to be dressed-
he is just that kinda dog!

We found Tad  and he weighed less than 3 lbs -
he was all head on a  bony body, hence the name Tadpole
He now weighs 7 lbs.

Hope you enjoy the update!
XOXO One Very Happy Mama!