ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 3-6, Quilted Cat Farm, Jerren and Pat and Panama City

Quilted Cat Farm in Brooksville
March 3rd Joe and I took a much needed break and headed to Suzi and Clif’s farm on Thursday morning. I can think of many names for their beautiful place, but for now I will call it Quilted Cat Farm.
I guess, because I was very taken by their cat who appeared there one night last year as a kitten. It was a cold, damp night, and Suzi and Clif built a bonfire after a hard day work building their barn. They warmed themselves listening to the not so distant sounds of coyotes, owls, frogs and a pitiful meow. With a little coaxing,  a soggy mat of fur with half a tail joined them by the fire.  She had a bad case of the sniffles, and she sneezed her way right into their hearts. A couple hundred dollars later, and they were the proud owners of a healthy, and unusual cat wearing a patchwork coat of many colors. Depending on what angle you look at her, she is an orange tabby, a grey tiger, a black and yellow calico, and a domestic white. It is obvious she lost her mother and litter mates and half her tail to coyotes. All you have to do is make a low howl, her eyes grow dark and wide, and she hunkers down low and runs for cover. She found a great home to hang her quilted coat.
Sue and Clif’s home is a work of art. Every detail masterfully constructed by Clif with Sue’s supervision.  You can sit on the home’s porch and watch the morning sun beams break through mossy oaks and then later watch it sink behind a hand hewn, picturesque barn  Six acres of heaven.
We arrived –after a 3 ½ hour ride, and Sue had prepared a lunch of bratwurst and sauerkraut—my absolute favorite!!! The beer was opened and the bets were on for a very competitive game of SPADES for later that evening. It was the first night they were actually going to sleep in the house as they were just given the coveted CO. The guest room was adorned with a Sponge Bob birthday balloon and a basket of bath treats. We plugged in the air mattresses and soon had a cozy B & B with running water and a flushable toilet!
A stroll through their acres, a check on the neighbors calves and orange groves, and we were ready for a bon fire and dinner. Sue made Beef Wellington in her new kitchen. Dessert was a Sponge Bob Cake with raspberries. Sue had downloaded songs from the 70’s and we bee bopped around the kitchen with Rodney Strong and Barefoot  Merlot. She reminded me of what a tight foursome we sisters were---and her being the baby –she has such an interesting perspective on those years of “Why Don’t You Build Me Up, Build Me Up, Buttercup Baby, When You Say You Will…..Say You Will……" .
When Sue met Clifford, he was surprised she could not tie her shoes—why would she learn when she had three big sisters that always did it for her!!
Friday Morning we were up early and after scrambled eggs and waffles we got ready for the 5 hour ride to Panama City. Jerren and Pat had left California and we driving to FL and we were to meet at Pat’s parent’s house Friday night to begin the weekend celebration of Pat’s 3oth birthday and to celebrate them moving back to FL.
A rode trip means different things to Joe and me. I look forward to getting in the car and talking about life and house projects, and movies and books, and Joe gets in the car and wants peace and quiet--maybe listen to a station with bass guitar music. I want to find the fastest, safest route and get there. Joe wants to find the fastest back roads and make sure no one gets in front of him. So instead of getting on the interstate and talking about the colors I want to paint the house, we got on Highway19/27 and listened to a very old rock and roll CD over and over, and over.  OKaaaaay…I can take a hint. We were not going to bond over discussing house projects. I turned to my new Kindle. I read the same paragraph 3 times and then realized I was sea sick. We rolled back and forth across lanes avoiding timber trucks and the local yokels. We were swingin..... With both feet planted on the windshield, I ate my nausea away with the cheese, cookies, chips and wine within my reach. Only four hours and 45 minutes to go.
So we had Quiet time-except for the same CD playing over and over…. Gave me time to reflect…..Time to think….Time for stinking thinking….Time to bitch.
I’m sure Joe wished he took the interstate.
Panama City—Jerren and Pat were timed to arrive from CA the same minute we were to arrive from Ft. Pierce. Pat didn’t know it, but two of his best friends from CA with the same birthday also flew in to surprise him and were waiting at Ma and Pa Fo’s. Joe and I had reservations at the La Quinta--a dog friendly motel and spring break meeting place for all the states softball teams--need I say more.
Our room was located at the end of the hall-the exit for all dog owners to walk and let their dogs relieve themselves on the ornate columns outside the side entrance and for the softball girls to sneak away, smoke and practice vulgar cursing.
La Quinta boasts a free continental breakfast at 6 am—just try to beat the famished softball teams and RV pet owners scarving sausage and biscuits for their dachshunds.  Coffee spouts came out of a wall --….hmmmmm red flag for me.....was I really getting  high test.  (There was plenty of good vittles at the Faucheux’s any way.)
Pat’s party was so much fun. I was just happy seeing Pat, Melissa, Monique, Jacob, Chad, Holly, Jerren and Pat. Oysters, burgers, sausage, friends, Left, Right, Center, puppies, good weather….and an awesome Koi Pond!
Sunday we headed home. My sisters, Ruth and Kimi were to do a charity bike ride in Clermont with husbands Kevin and Sloan. Driving we got the bad news phone call from Sue-Ruth had fallen off her bike and had broken her right humerus bone in three places. The story is terrible. This was a horribly painful break and Joe and I rode home with knots in our stomachs and teary eyes.
It was a very somber 5 hours home.

Suzi's new kitchen
Beef Wellington in the new kitchen
Guest bedroom, notice the wood floors
Clif and Annie
Quilted Cat Annie
Joe and Clif get ready to lose at Spades
Rocking by th Fire

The Ghost on Sue and Clif's farm

Girls Won at Spades
Panama City Party
Jacob, Monique, and Pops
Mama Fo and Jerren
The Birthday Boy is 30
Memphis, Pops, and Jerren
Pops and the Pups
Pick Me
The two Pops keep an eye on the bon fire
Monique and Pat
This can't be good.....

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