ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 2014

December has started out busy! So hard for me to squeeze in all I want to do---the holiday events, visiting, playing with my babies,  crafting and sewing gifts. 
I was delighted when Conor and Megs called to say they would drive down with Elwood to see the Fort Pierce Christmas parade Sunday afternoon. We loaded up Ama in the wagon and headed to meet Conor, Megs, Elwood and the Seller family downtown.  We parked ourselves right by the big Christmas tree.  We watched the parade, the tree lighting and the dancing palm tree display. Unfortunately, my camera malfunctioned--ok, the old operator of the camera malfunctioned--I hit a button on my camera and videoed most of the still shots. Hard to post them---but I loved just standing and watching Elwood and Ama. Loved seeing their expressions as the parade characters went by--especially Olaf, the Muppets, and Santa. After the parade, all the kids (armed with laser lights) chased each other in the market square as the adults enjoyed visiting and listening to Christmas carols and palm trees wrapped in lights blinking in rhythm. Soon though, Conor, Megs and El had to head home to Melbourne. The night ended with Joe and I enjoying a great dinner
with Pat and Jer and Ama at 12A Buoy.
I have a few pictures before the old lady hit the wrong button.

The Weekend After The Christmas Parade
I was in heaven! I had the whole family together again the weekend after we met to watch the parade. The plan was for me to get Elwood (all by himself) for Friday happy Oma!!!
Then Megs and Conor were to come to Ft. Pierce on Saturday to watch the boat parade, eat dinner together, and spend the night.
Although the city reported the parade was to start at the city marina-that was not the case. We had fun anyway-met up with Johnna, Bruce, and Caden and we waited with about 500 other people lined up with chairs, wagons and coolers for the show-the decorated boats met in the turning basin and went down the inlet and back--never did come by the marina.  Past years we have watched the parade from the pontoon boat-but this year it just seemed too cold for year we will bundle up, load up the pontoon boat with grill, food and drinks, and watch again from the water. Luckily, as we left, about four decorated boats were heading back to their slips in the marina-so the kids did get to see the best boats ever--and one was FROZEN--so we all got to see and hear, Elsa, Olaf etc...sing, "Let it go, let it go......

Saturday morning, the cousins both wanted to sit in the same chair.

No problem--they both fit--kind of....

Saturday night oysters and ribs and fire!

No matter how big the flame---or amount of alcohol
 "We're good!"

Sunday morning, not too cold for Con to surf

Perfect Day for a walk at the inlet!

A Night with Elwood

The weekend after the Christmas parade, I had the greatest of joys-- I got to have Elwood spend the night with me!!!
On Friday I met Megs in Wabasso and picked up my boy! We headed to the farm and I got to spend the entire afternoon with Elwood. We had a picnic, played trains, built a fire and burned sticks, played chase and hid from monsters. We rode the golf cart over to the canal bank and watched, as Elwood described it, one enormous, gigantic  machine chop up pepper trees...we were both mesmerized by the noise and the whole process of chopping and shredding- And the operator of the machine stopped and talked with us--I found out the chopping bucket alone on the machine costs $35,000. No pictures--I was too busy playing.
Elwood is a joy to hang out with. Not only is he adorable with his long blonde surfer hair, but he is so nice. He is polite and kind and has a vivid imagination. Amazing how many games can be played with just a stick! He has full conversations with me, but I also discovered he remembers and repeats every thing you say. And he has the most endearing little lisp--he pronounces his Ls like Ws. Garlic is garwic.
I found I say Holy Mackerel a lot.... hawie mackerwa....
And he knows all the names of Santa's reindeer!
Meghan feeds him the healthiest organic food, but she lets me give him treats-just not too many.  I am writing this so I never forget some of the cute things he said this weekend. He can spy a jar of
M & Ms hidden on a top shelf. After getting a few and being told, "You can have more later", I watched as he quietly devised a plan on how to get his hands on more.  He is devoted to his family. So he starts with, "Can I have an M & M to hold for my Dad?"
"Sure...", says Oma, "let's get a container to hold it in."
 "Can I have one for my Mom?"
"Sure..", says Oma.
 "Can I have one for my baby sister?"
"Oh my, of course you can have one for your baby sister that will be born in April 2015--in fact, you can have several for that request!"

That night after rocking, cuddling, and reading Elwood's favorite Christmas book of stories and songs-(wish everyone could hear him sing Jingle Bells) he went peacefully to sleep with assurance that Mom and Dad were coming in the morning for breakfast. At 4:20 am he woke up quietly crying for mommy.  I  race to him. I pick him up and he continues to cry for mommy. I hug him and rock him and tell him I understand how he feels. I tell him sometimes I miss my mommy too, but I know she likes for me to be a big girl and do fun things without her. He settles down in my arms as I sing Christmas carols--he starts to doze and I ask him if I can put him to bed and rub his back while he falls to sleep. He opens his eyes, rubs my arm, and says, "Oma, I have a plan. How about you and me just go get our mommies."  
Oh my, be still my heart!!!'

Thanksgiving wasn't really about the food this year-it was about me having four whole days off of work to enjoy Ama!  THANKFUL for that time to spend with family. And that is exactly what I did.  My Dad and Revis joined us for the day & Kimi and Ashley came  to celebrate with us Wed-Saturday. Aunt Pippi (Kimi) always comes with a bag of tricks-fun things to do and always very entertaining for kids.  Ama warmed up to both her aunts in no time, but was very smitten this time with Nay Nay ( Ashley). Pippi got her time, but Aunt Nay Nay and Ama did a lot of golf cart riding, orange picking, and farm exploring--which gave Kim, Jerren, and me a little time to work on a few craft projects.
Thanksgiving Day was wonderfully chilly so we had  fires inside and out. We decided against a turkey this year and ended up with the most fabulous meal--wonderful appetizers, steaks, shrimp, baked potatoes, collards and red cabbage. I love watching the Macy Thanksgiving Parade  while preparing food for the day--brings back wonderful memories. Cooking and clean up was completed stress free and we had more time to play.
Pat had to work, but was able to eat dinner with us between hospital shifts. The other love of my life, Elwood (and Conor and Megs) spent Thanksgiving with his Grammie and Pop in Jacksonville.
I will celebrate with Elwood soon. Every day is Thanksgiving when you get to spend it with grandchildren!

Things to see and places to go!
Nay Nay  starts the day early with Ama!

beautiful oysters before dinner

Jer made quite the Bloody Mary for us
The day begins with a toast!
Pop brought fixins for Bloody Marys

Oh, do we love cheese!!!
And of course we had our tradition toast with a shot of
Forever Weekend Farm's Bee Dirty  

Loving my bees

The Thanksgiving Eve fire

Pop and Pippi

The day comes to an end-
chilly night
gorgeous sunset

Forever Sisters

Friday, November 7, 2014

Halloween Weekend/Novemeber 1, 2014

What a beatuiful chilly weekend for
inside fires,
eating oranges right off the tree!!
Oranges taste best right off the tree!
And they taste good sitting in the sunshine on Mom's lap