ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Monday, September 28, 2015

Forever Weekend Farm

To Ama:
Love where you've been.

Love where you're at.

Love how you think.

Love the power you pack.

Love all that you seek.

Love all that you feel.

Love your rocking emotions.

And the thoughts you make real.

But mostly, Ama,  I really, really love you in this very moment.

Loving you from every angle,
Ama the cowgirl!

Waiting for the surprise!

Gidget the pony came to celebrate!
Pony cookies for Ama's party

Opening gifts with NAY NAY

Aunt Ruthie was there!

Ama loves her Uncle Kyle!

Meme hangs balloons for the party!

Meme helps Ama open her gifts!

Pop was in charge of party balloons!

Poppa Rick and Ms. Judy came to help Ama celebrate

Sarah and b-day girl!

Together again to celebrate
the families special milestones!!!
Elam-best party dog ever!

Sometimes when things are falling apart

they may actually be falling

into place.

What wouldn't you give to live, love, and be happy,
deliriously happy, forevermore?

Well, that's just it, you needn't give anything.
Just decide to live, love, and be happy, deliriously happy,
from this moment forward.

And I shall provide,
    The Universe

You could pray for 1,000 nights,

visualize for 1,000 days,

and give thanks for 1,000 things,

but it's when you physically prepare the way -

no matter how silly, tiny,

or futile your efforts may seem -

that 1,000 miracles will find you.

Uga-chugga, Uga-chugga -
    The Universe