ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March Fun Continues!

My New Love
Making Sourdough Bread
I came back from Panama with a new interest--
making sourdough bread! Thank you Conor for teaching
 me this new skill, which I am working hard to perfect!

The beginning of a Rye, Stout, Pumpkin Hearty Sourdough Loaf 

My starters-who knew starters could be so exciting!

Black olive garlic loaf

Banana Bread made from starter I cannot throw away!

Pesto Bread
As long as I'm fermenting,
might as well make some sauerkraut!

Getting ready for Spring!
Like to publish "befores and afters"
These are all "befores"

Side view of herb garden

Seeds have been sown

Sunflowers are up

Zinnias and tomatoes are loving the warm weather!

Magnolia blossom!

In a couple weeks this will be full of green!

My compost bin is producing some fine soil!!
Discovered this little guy as I was sweeping spiders
 and their cocoons of porch ceiling!
I left him spend the day dozing on my screen.

A visit to Jacksonville
to see Kellan, Kady and Justin
 Ashley and Kyle

Not sure about you G-Paw!

Celebrating Spring Break!

And my birthday!

Elwood made me this potholder while I was in Panama
and I have found many uses for it!
Every time I use it, I rub it on my cheek and smile
 remembering all the fun I had with
 Woody, Tohi and Frances!

One way to survive work--
Love notes from grandkids!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I want to be a Basti Girl!! Bastimentos, Panama 2019

Pictures and excerpts 
from my trip to Bastimentos, Panama

Thank you Conor and Meghan 
for enlightening me and revealing  
 a simple, colorful, relaxing and rewarding way of life.

Welcome to Bastimentos!

Who knew this inquisitive and creative guy
would grow up to marry the girl of his dreams, sail away
and raise their children on a
distant, tropical, island in the Caribbean?
I did.
He always ventured outside the box.
And although I hate that they live so far from me
 and I don't see my beautiful grand-babies as much as I want---after this visit, I get it!

Conor and Meg built their house using all native wood on the island-and it is beautiful!
  (Kids' fort in foreground built from
driftwood gathered on their beach)
I am so proud of all they have accomplished-it is quite amazing!

Their View from the porch
Conor and me checking out his compost pile

The guest cabin sits above the main house up their hill
(also built by Conor with gorgeous wood and wood accents)

I absolutely loved the guest cabin!

My views from the guest cabin
Woody and I caught this rainbow sipping our morning coffee
Elwood swimming in front of house
I loved their tool shed-perfect for a watercolor!
This was taken at Bluff Beach-waves were beautiful!

Family gathers at this beautiful dining table--food taste extra good with this view!

Main house Shower and tub --I am crazy for the stonework

I'm bragging, but not only did he build the cabin-
but also all the furniture!

Kitchen in the guest house!

The guest cabin bath
Checking over our collection of sea glass from the beach!

We celebrated all of our spring birthdays!

Our special sprinkle cake!

Tohi 4 yrs, Frankie Fern 2yrs, and Woody 7 yrs

Making the sprinkle birthday cake!

Setting these two cuties up for facials!

                                           Time for facials!

The Massage part tickles!

Happy Clients!!!

We love ice cream beans!
Elwood found this one growing up the hill--my first one ever

Fried Bread-why was it so good?

Golf cart ride to Bluff Beach!
We picked up some sweet hitch hikers!

I absolutely went crazy when we got
 to see sloths on the way to Bluff Beach!

Just hanging out eating leaves on the side of the road.

And we saw lots of cows-loved seeing this baby.

But seriously, when we got to see monkeys, that was over the top!! Had to see in these pictures, 
but the mama had a baby on her back!

Stopped at Sea Glass Beach on the way to Bluff-the water was incredibly clear!
Just enjoying a little snack before heading on to Bluff Beach!

Bluff Beach was also gorgeous!

This was a the coolest place owned by two Italians
who cooked delicious pizza in a real pizza oven
900 degrees for 90 seconds-who knew-
(I only took a video and sorry it won't play)

Making Coconut Milk
for curry sauce

Just hanging out in the Bocas Park before jiu jitsu class.

Swimming in front of their house!

Frankie Fern and Tohi holding the card from their cousin Ama!
Ama and Merek miss them so much!

Enjoying the morning views from the cabin

Coffee with Oma every morning
(Ahh the memories I have of kid koffee with my Pop-sugar, half and half and a dab of coffee!)

Just a couple of friends beading!

And Reading...
Snuggled in Oma's candy quilt!

A famous red frog!

Hike to Wizard Beach

Always waiting for Oma--the hills were steep!

Wizard Beach!!

I want a tee shirt that sez, "I hiked to Wizard Beach!"
I burned 1000 calories each way!

Meghan's future yoga studio
Love this new addition to their property-can't wait to see what this creative family does with it!

Hummingbird nest in their lime tree-size of a half dollar
So fluffy and soft

Woody always waited for me on the trails!

Side view of guest cabin!

I love the terraced gardens and stone steps on their property-
every step unique and beautiful!

Mangos-and papyas and plantains and bananas
Tomatoes, arugula and herbs!

This will be a before picture soon-
can't wait to see what it turns into!!!

Part of the walk to and from town to their house

Another watercolor subject!

Elwood fetching my walking stick
after our boat ride back from Bocas town.
The way to their house is up a
pretty good sized hill and then back down!

Boat Taxis

Only way to their island-or over to Bocas
Boat taxi

Waiting for Elwood to finish jiu jitsu

He is awesome!
A Peaceful Warrior!

Love this fort!
The kids built this with Conor's guidance.

Meghan walking back from teaching yoga on the island!

A natural balance beam!

Keeping up with the big kids!

Bread Fruit for dinner!

Not only did I climb in the fort,
 I also slid down the slide!

I hiked, I swam, I leisurely strolled the beach and collected sea glass; I learned how to make coconut milk; I soaked in the morning rains with rainbows; I saw red frogs, sloths, hummingbirds and monkeys; I ate Meghans wonderful healthy organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners; I snuggled with my grand babies and we read, colored, painted, and did crafts. I drank rum and pina coladas and ate delicious pear, feta, arugula pizza!!!! I made it to Wizard Beach!
I even got a chance to be creative and paint again!
Ahhh... the island life
No wonder- they love living here--
And no wonder I want to be a Basti Girl!!!
I will be back soon!