ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh, The Power of a Grandparent!

     The Forever Weekend Farm Blog has become my personal journal of our family's history and memories. Every time I sit down to post notes and add pictures to a blog entry I think of my Pop O, and how he would love that I am still writing. He'd be fascinated at the technology I use now to write. From the time I can remember he always encouraged me to read, write, research, and create. I have wonderful memories as a little girl sitting in his lap and reading the Philadelphia Enquirer and The Evening Bulletin newspapers. He taught me all the sections of the paper and I loved listening to him read the news to me. I would help him do the daily crossword puzzle, (or so he let me believe). We would always read the Funnies, but my favorite was a kids section in the paper where you could send in a question to the editor, and if yours was chosen it would be published in the paper with the editor's answer. Pop and I would sit together and dream up questions we hoped would get published. I would write them down in my best penmanship and we would fold them up business-like, tuck them in a long envelope and mail them to the paper.
      My Pop was a proofreader for Ayers Publishing Company and I believed he was the smartest man ever. I guess because he spent his work days reading, his head was full of  interesting facts and stories. And he could get his hands on all the learning resources you could imagine. He brought me an atlas, and gave me my first Thesaurus.  He sincerely made me believe I was good at every thing.  He made me think I was a shining star and I loved impressing him with my poems, drawings, and stories.
     My grandparents lived close enough to me that I saw them several evenings a week and all the holidays. I would wait at the bay window of our living room watching for Pop to drive up with my Nana in their white winged Chevy Bel Air. My Pop would step from that shiny, red car with a folded newspaper tucked under his arm. He always walked around to the other side and opened Nana's door and helped her out. Once in the house, I could not wait for him to finish the normal pleasantries he shared with my parents and three little sisters so he could invite me to sit with him and read the newspaper.  Imagine our excitement when one night he opened and folded the pages back to our section and there it was- in beautiful bold print- my name and my question. -"Why do we have fingernails?" Sent in by Donna Osler. I was published! We read it aloud over and over and over - me sitting on his lap, his arms folded around me as he held the paper in front of our faces. I remember my Pop's proud words, the glorious smell of printed ink, and reading that tiny print over and over. I was dizzy with fame that night. For twenty-five years My Pop made me feel smart, important and loved.
Oh, the power of a grandparent!

Remembering my grandparents quiet influence, unconditional love, and the positive support I received all those years makes me thankful they were in my life. My Nana & Pop were my greatest cheerleaders. My Nana taught me to sing, knit, sew, and make a pound of ground beef into a week of delicious meals. My Pop listened to me, read to me, and took me on endless circles of pony rides. Even as an adult they were there to lean on. They traveled to Tallahassee several times a year while I attended college at FSU. They'd sleep at my college duplex, tune up my truck, fix my bike, buy me treats, and rake the leaves on my little lawn. They knew all my college friends who crammed into my house for Nana's home cooking. At night I would lay my head in  Nana's lap on the couch and she would rub my face while Pop would read the Tallahassee Democrat to us. They were my greatest comfort.  I shined under their oohs and aahs.
Oh, the power of a grandparent! 
Soon I will have an important and powerful position in another being's life. 
Yes, I am soon to be a grandparent! 
Conor and Meghan will bring Baby G into our world on approximately April 10, 2012. 
 I cannot wait to rock and sing, listen and read to, ooh and aah, and just hold that new shining star!
I hope I am as grand in this little one's life as my Nana & Pop were in mine.
Oh, the power of a grandparent!

Kim, Donna, Ruth and Jerren on seawall at Farmer's Market
Ruth and Kimi came for a visit last weekend. I am happy to report Ruth's arm looked good for what she has been through. She broke her arm in a bike accident in March (compound break in 3 places) and it did not heal correctly. For months she has been in pain and unable to use her arm, so she was operated on in September. She had a metal plate put in with 11 screws. Kim has been taking wonderful care of her since the operation. She stayed two weeks with Ruth at her house in Gainesville and Ruth stayed one week in Orlando at Kim's house. Kim is making sure Ruth follows doctor orders and does not use the arm at all!! This picture was taken at the weekly Ft. Pierce Farmer's Market. Jerren and Pat's condo is across the river in the background. We are drinking fresh squeezed lemonade and limeade.
Yes, Jerren and Pat are now Fort Piercians.
Tadpole fell in love with Ruth and spent a good deal of time in her lap.
Well, actually it was her Egyptian cotton PJs that he loved
and after 2 days she was ready to get him out of her lap!

Joe took this picture for me at the art show a few weeks ago.  It was a Calendarartist Show.
It was a wonderful display of all 36 artists's eight 5X7 original work made for the calendars.

I was very lucky to have such good support at the show.
Conor and Jimmy and two week old  baby June were there.

Conor, Courtney June (Sleeping) and Jimmy

This picture gives you an idea of the art display.

Joe at the refreshment table.
My pictures are on the wall behind him

One of my fish pics-Bull dolphin

Proud Eagle
Friday night at my house--a night of LAUGHING!!!!

Charlotte with her Daddy Friday night!

Joe, June, and Pat-Friday night!
June is singing to Pat!

June tells Pat all about it!

Pat sings June to sleep.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gorham News in September 2011

 (Some of you may already have received this information, but I must add it to the blog for myself.)
Just a note to update you on the Gorham happenings. 
As you know Joe and I were both sad and happy that Jerren and Pat had to delay their move back home to Ft. Pierce. Happy they will make more $ for their house fund, but sad as I want them closer. We have since found out that their next travel assignment might actually be at the hospital in Ft. Pierce. How wonderful would that be?!! 
They did come home to visit Sept. 7-12  as Pat flew to Las Vegas for a bachelor party. We got to visit with Pat Wednesday night-through Friday and we had Jerren to play with until Sunday!

We picked Conor up in Ft. Lauderdale airport Saturday August 27th @ 6 am.  And what a treat to have him home and hear his adventures in person. We sat for hours, elbows on the counter listening to stories of gorgeous beaches, pirates, tropical food, 12 foot waves, and beautiful places! We were missing Meghan, who had to stay behind with the boat and dogs, but she was included in every story as he bragged about her skills as a sailor and a true partner during the smooth times, as well as the rough storms.

Conor is working at Key West hospital till middle of October-possibly a little longer-covering for a pharmacist that needs a vacation. He will be one week on and one week off and doing computer work for them in between shifts at home in Ft. Pierce. He is not thrilled being back in the real 8-5 world, but I could not be happier! If only Megs was here too! She, meanwhile, is holding down the Gualby in Panama--I have the utmost respect for her sharing Conor.  I know she understands he is re-building their travel account, but she is a really good sport about all this. He will soon be heading back to her, his dogs and Panama. 

New details  
I was absolutely thrilled to have Conor and Jerren both home at the same time, even if only for two days. That has not happened in a long time! Shared family meals and the beach once again!

Tadpole (aka Lit-el-Bit) has weaseled his way into Conor and Jerren's heart and arms. He is a great pet and I am so happy he found us! He fits right in--especially on everyone's lap!.
If you are wondering why the beach is so empty-
there were warnings for stinging sea lice and jellyfish

Con and Jerren surfed.
They can attest to the fact that the warning was indeed correct!
Charlotte is expecting a new brother or sister any day now.
Courtney is due 9/25/11

Best Buddies!

Conor and Tad watch TV
Hard not to accept that Tad is a lap dog!

Never thought I would, but he just has to be dressed-
he is just that kinda dog!

We found Tad  and he weighed less than 3 lbs -
he was all head on a  bony body, hence the name Tadpole
He now weighs 7 lbs.

Hope you enjoy the update!
XOXO One Very Happy Mama!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting Together--- Forever Sisters with Forever Cousin Bobby & Family!

Another Fun Weekend!
Always great to get together with my sisters!
Special treat to see Bobby and his family after all these years. It was as if we never missed a year seeing each other!

Kimi, Dad, Ruth, Sue & Donna

Clockwise-Chad, Leslie, Ruth, Mary, Colin, Trevor, Brian Bobby, Donna, Kimi, Dad, Clif & Sue

Chad, Leslie, Ruth, Mary, Colin, Trevor, Brian, Bobby, Donna, Kimi, Dad, Clif & Sue

Bobby & Donna

Sue and Chad

Friday, July 22, 2011

July Happenings

July 4th weekend we had a wonderful time with Suzi and Clif. They made the three hour ride from Brooksville and arrived donned in patriotic red, white and blue!!! We ate great food, played great music, and had a long game of SPADES!! We shared tales of house and farm projects, and all in all we just relaxed.

Tadpole continues to entertain us with puppy antics--he is a whopping 5 lbs 5 oz now and the light bulb has gone off in his head that outside is a good place to tinkle and poo. He has a travel bag that looks like a large purse and as soon as he sees me get my keys he jumps in. He likes to go, and is good and quiet during store errands--no one knows he is with me. He doesn't go everywhere with me, but he is easy to transport to the vet and the beach. Dingo continues to like him and she is the best teacher. If she drinks, Tad drinks, if Dingo eats a piece of grass, Tad eats grass--he is a real copy cat. Luckily, Dingo is good.

I have had some good days off from work which has allowed me to be productive with my watercolors. I have agreed to paint nine- 5 x 7 originals for a local art organization, Art Mundo  Thirty-six local artists have also agreed to submit 9 pieces of flat, 5 x 7 art pieces and all the art is compiled into calendars which are raffled off as a fund raiser. So I am busy! Let me know if you might want to purchase a raffle ticket.

I am also researching on craig's list to buy an older travel trailer to convert into an art studio/guest cottage. I have found the perfect one, but I am presently negotiating a price --I am not good at this so my anxiety levels at night have me staring at the bedroom ceiling as I review in my head the options over and over--jeez, I wear myself out mentally.
Today I am leaving to meet my sisters in Orlando for a little SISTER R & R at Kim's condo for the weekend.
It works out that my cousin Bobby, from NJ will be in Orlando with his family for his son's baseball game and a Disney vacation. We will get together tonight for dinner-we have not seen each other for, gosh ten or fifteen years. As kids, my sisters and I were very close with cousins Bobby, Sharon and Nancy. Growing up in NJ we vacationed at the Jersey shore and took family trips to Florida. We celebrated every holiday together with picnics and parties. And then my family moved to FL.
Somehow the memories we made as kids has held us together into adulthood and even though we don't see each other often, when we talk on the phone or meet up it is as if we never moved!

Conor and Megs and the Gualby are making their way to Panama. They had to sail through some extremely unexpected rough weather off the coast of Honduras. I lost several nights of sleep and all my finger nails waiting to hear from them. They are now safe on a little island with very poor internet service with the other sail boat-The Salty Dog. I am very proud of them, but it was a gut wrenching week for Joe and me. No mother wants to hear of her kids being harnessed to the boat battling 10 + foot waves for many nights. Conor has let Joe know that as soon as they can, they will call us with some awesome stories! I no longer have to put highlights in my hair.

Jerren and Pat are in Fort Walton with plans to move to Ft Pierce in August. They had two assignments at the hospital there and as usual have enjoyed all the sites and sounds of that city. I am hoping to have a cottage in the backyard for them to stay in until they buy a home!

Some JULY photos

An approaching storm-I thought this would be a great watercolor

Ready for 4th of July Picnic

Joe and Clif ready the ribs for the grill

Tadpole loves to sleep with Dingo 

Just have to show him off-he is really a cutie!

Tad is still very little

The patience of a Dingo Dog

The following are some watercolors I have been working on.
Elephant Eye

Zee Zebra Eye

Florida Panther Eye


Frog Eye

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

Snowy Egret

Rhino Eye

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day 2011
The Sunday to honor and appreciate the love of our dads. It is a special day for so many to celebrate. And sadly, for some of us it is not. Joe and I try not to dwell there. 
But we love to celebrate!  So today we will celebrate the privilege Joe has of being the father of two great kids, and we honor all the dad-friends and dad-family that love being a Dad and cherish the Trials and Tribulations that go along with this role. I hope a day never goes by that Conor & Megs and Jerren & Pat don't feel loved If only every person had a dad who sincerely felt and lived the words in Brett Dennen's song, Don't Forget, therapists might be out of a job.Whenever I hear the song, I picture one of my favorite dads, Jimmy Sellers singing it to his little girl, Charlotte.We have friends who are great fathers. Jimmy Sellers is one of them.

Tadpole has been with us for a week now. We notified the local humane societies in case someone had lost him and not left him. We have checked all the streets for Lost a Great Little Dog signs. We took him to the vet yesterday, to check for a microchip--none--and to start him on puppy shots for parvo and distemper. He is between 10-12 weeks old -much younger than we thought. This week Tad has learned to sit. This week we have learned that it is wonderful to be loved by a little dog.

May all children have fathers who
 sing, "Don't Forget"by Brett Dennen 

Dingo loving on Tadpole

Loving Life

Dingo enjoys a little wrestle time

Singing together


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Go Lucky Tadpole

I am sitting here this morning with the cutest little bit of a dog sitting on my lap. With a head about the size of a golf ball, large liquid eyes, and a visible skeleton he reminds me of a tadpole. He  can’t be 2 pounds. It breaks my heart that someone could drive down a barren dirt road, open the car door and put this little dog (any dog, cat or pet) out and drive off. What did this poor little pup think when the car drove off leaving him alone.
My dirt road has become a favorite dumping ground for cowards to get rid of unwanted pets. I, along with many of my good neighbors, have taken in these discarded pets and we keep them, find them good homes, or resort to taking them to the local humane societies. We do the dirty work for the irresponsible pet owners who feel it is better to throw a pet out in the country to fend for itself, rather than drive to the humane society and place the pet in a safe environment with a chance of adoption.
I have yet to find anything wrong with this little guy. I'm no expert, but he looks like a Chihuahua/mini pinscher cross. He is smart and lovable. He comes when you call him. He willingly goes into his crate and does not whimper, whine, yap or bark. He has chewed on nothing but his new rawhide stick.
He spends all day in the crate while I am at work and sleeps all night next to my bed in the crate. Even if I get up to go to the bathroom he does not whine to get out. In the morning I get up and make coffee before opening his door. While the coffee brews I carry his 2 lbs of squirming kisses outside to do his business. It takes about 5 minutes for him to find a spot, but that is because he spends most of that time making sure I know how happy he is to see me.

He loves to go on my morning walks with Dingo. We cover about 2 miles and he skips along with abounding energy. Dingo got over her short bout of jealousy and now he has a forever protector. This morning as we made our way through the grove, we startled a bobcat. We all froze. The dignified cat stopped in mid motion staring at the two intruders and the hairless squirrel. With a bristled spine Dingo immediately moved between our new little friend and the bobcat. The stare down lasted about 15 seconds before the bobcat turned and slipped into the underbrush. 

Ten year old Dingo, who was once a pup dumped out on this same dirt road, knew the bobcat. Together they lived in this woodsy grove and competed for food in 2001. That year it took me 4 months to convince Dingo that some people were nice and that Forever Weekend Farm was a safe place to live. She has good reason not to trust people and is leery of strangers. To this day she will only get in a car carried as a lump of dead weight. Tadpole seems more forgiving of people. Although I’m sure he suffered the trauma of watching his cruel owner drive off leaving him alone on a hot dusty day, or was it a dark night, he greets everyone with a happy-go-lucky personality. So far he is only afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

Tadpole is a big dog in a little dog body. At approximately six months old he carries himself like a proud and wise 100 lb. Dobie.  He has a happy bounce in his step and an impish burst of speed on the run. He watches television, loves to look at himself in the floor mirror, and he thinks Dingo is the bee's knees! At the present time I am not sure what the future holds for him, but I do know he deserves much more then being left to figure it out by himself on a lonely dirt road.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet Tadpole

Tuesday of last week I came home from work to a sad sight. The palm tree that had been the nesting box the last 6 springs for our owls and woodpeckers had fallen over blocking my path to the house. It had broken off at the base and had crushed several potted plants on its way down. I was so upset and the woodpecker mama was devastated. There on the ground under the tree were four eggs. Two were crushed; two were whole.
I looked up and the mama woodpecker was sitting in another palm looking down at the hopeless mess.  The owls left the nest in time to avoid this disaster, but the woodpeckers lost this set of babies. I felt the mother's pain. I wish I could have shared my bottle of merlot with her.

The next night I brought home plans to build a screech owl nesting box. We hope we can make this box attractive enough for the owls to use it next spring. Before I dragged the fallen home site away, I got to look down in the cavity and see the nesting holes from the inside. It was an interesting bird's eye view.

And again I had Friday off and I am loving it!!!!  I watched a movie and hoped for rain. I cleaned out the pond and I got to visit with Keara later in the afternoon. I wanted her to see the wild orchid and we took a golf cart ride letting the dogs run. Keara regularly checks out the animal shelter and knowing I would love to save dogs, she told me of a six month old mastiff that had been turned in.We wondered if the owners could no longer afford to feed her, and as tempting as she sounded, not a dog I could handle with working so many hours. It breaks my heart.
I am pretty productive with the three day weekend. I got some flounder and invited Jimmy and Courtney for a fish fry dinner. I need to see Charlotte at least once a week as she is growing up so fast and changes everyday. Courtney is glowing--the baby is growing--she is a picture of great health! Charlotte was as entertaining as ever. I wish Con and Megs, Jer and Pat got to see her as much as we do!Court and I took a golf cart ride-mainly to check out the wild orchid-but low and behold we saw something odd in the middle of Seminole Road. Was it a cat, a dog, a fox or a rat? It was the latest dumpee on our desolate dirt road--a bony, dehydrated, shaking tea cup chihuahua.


A Very Hungry and Thirsty Tad!

Dingo played very gentle with him!

Tad may have some mini pin in him!

Jerren brought me this frangipangi
and it loves where we planted it!

This was hard to look at.

Whooping crane family living on the Mueller Campus

Tad slept all night!

Young male cardinal getting his color.