ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet Tadpole

Tuesday of last week I came home from work to a sad sight. The palm tree that had been the nesting box the last 6 springs for our owls and woodpeckers had fallen over blocking my path to the house. It had broken off at the base and had crushed several potted plants on its way down. I was so upset and the woodpecker mama was devastated. There on the ground under the tree were four eggs. Two were crushed; two were whole.
I looked up and the mama woodpecker was sitting in another palm looking down at the hopeless mess.  The owls left the nest in time to avoid this disaster, but the woodpeckers lost this set of babies. I felt the mother's pain. I wish I could have shared my bottle of merlot with her.

The next night I brought home plans to build a screech owl nesting box. We hope we can make this box attractive enough for the owls to use it next spring. Before I dragged the fallen home site away, I got to look down in the cavity and see the nesting holes from the inside. It was an interesting bird's eye view.

And again I had Friday off and I am loving it!!!!  I watched a movie and hoped for rain. I cleaned out the pond and I got to visit with Keara later in the afternoon. I wanted her to see the wild orchid and we took a golf cart ride letting the dogs run. Keara regularly checks out the animal shelter and knowing I would love to save dogs, she told me of a six month old mastiff that had been turned in.We wondered if the owners could no longer afford to feed her, and as tempting as she sounded, not a dog I could handle with working so many hours. It breaks my heart.
I am pretty productive with the three day weekend. I got some flounder and invited Jimmy and Courtney for a fish fry dinner. I need to see Charlotte at least once a week as she is growing up so fast and changes everyday. Courtney is glowing--the baby is growing--she is a picture of great health! Charlotte was as entertaining as ever. I wish Con and Megs, Jer and Pat got to see her as much as we do!Court and I took a golf cart ride-mainly to check out the wild orchid-but low and behold we saw something odd in the middle of Seminole Road. Was it a cat, a dog, a fox or a rat? It was the latest dumpee on our desolate dirt road--a bony, dehydrated, shaking tea cup chihuahua.


A Very Hungry and Thirsty Tad!

Dingo played very gentle with him!

Tad may have some mini pin in him!

Jerren brought me this frangipangi
and it loves where we planted it!

This was hard to look at.

Whooping crane family living on the Mueller Campus

Tad slept all night!

Young male cardinal getting his color.

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