ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 21-23 2013
Celebrating RUTH & NANA KAY's
June Birthdays at the FARM
And always celebrating when ELWOOD VISITS

Father's Day Weekend Conor was checking out the new grapefruit grove with us and discovered the most unusual caterpillars & cocoons on some of the trees' foliage. We had a good laugh as the caterpillars looked just like a bird's dropping and the cocoons were very camouflaged to look like a twig. They were defintely dining on the citrus leaves so before we set about removing them, I picked a cocoon off and set it up on the front porch table with the intentions of researching whether it was friend or foe of the grapefruit trees. The next morning the cocoon was torn open and a disfigured lifeless moth was moshed in a slimy liquid. I was disappointed and gently put my finger down to turn the poor creature over and examine it. As my finger got close, the dampened glob reached out the most fragile, sticky, black, thread-like legs and with determined hope attached itself to my finger tip. It gracefully hung on as I hoisted it out of the wetness and it immediately unfurled wrinkled wings. I walked it over to a secluded area in our front hedge and it slowly reached out and pulled itself into the foliage. And there it patiently hugged a thin twig. I checked on it for several hours until its wings took the shape of a kite tail bow fluttering gently in the humid air.  Light as a feather it let go and it seemed to catch a ride on a breeze as it floated up and out of the hedge and disappeared in the summer sky. 
(Joe tells me he believes it is a type of Monarch Butterfly-I'll take any other opinions) 

My Mom and Ruth drove down last weekend from Gainesville. I really enjoyed having my mom get up early and sit with me in my art/craft/sewing/reading/dog studio with our coffee Saturday morning & then out on the chicken porch Sunday morning. All was so peaceful and quiet and we got to watch the Super Moon disappear in the morning light.

Mom and Ruth were so happy that Conor, Meghan and Elwood were able to drive down from Melbourne for dinner Saturday afternoon. They had a frog chair for him and a pair of Crocs and he was just so much fun to be around-- as always!!!

I think he liked the gifts!

Come on Dad--let's sail this boat!

I guess this is what Oma considers a pond.

Or should we water the grass with this cool lizard watering can that Nana Kay and Aunt Ruth brought me.

I can water the steps......

.......or Bubby.........

or the this blade of grass.....

...or I can just sit here and look adorable!!!!

I'm very good at looking adorable!!! Ask anyone sitting on the deck!
Guess who entertained us for hours!!!!???

Yes, Mom has taught me to pet very gentle!

After a great grouper dinner, some folks just had to stretch out!
Another fun weekend!!!
Thanks Mom and Ruth for making the trip down. Thanks Megs, Con, and Elwood for joining us. Thanks Jerren and Pat for living 5 miles down the road---it doesn't get any better than this!!!!!
 Love making Memories!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 2013 FATHER'S DAY WEEKEND and Other Great Pictures


Friday night, June 14th, Conor invited all the men for a Father's Day "Mans Night in Melbourne". Since ladies weren't included I can only report on bits and pieces of what I overheard--and I heard they had  FUN!!! I also heard the steaks was superb, Will should be inventing games, the ocean had a short bout of sea lice, (but not at midnight), garlic knots are awesome cooked over charcoal , grilled lamb chops make a great appetizer, and it sounded like they talked over the camp fire about how much they love their wives.

Meghan and Elwood came to Ft. Pierce on Friday and we all met  at Jer's doctor's appointment to hear Ama's heartbeat!!!! Wow-it was so strong and healthy! We met Jer's doctor and let him know we will see him again in the birthing room very soon! Ha ha! We then ate lunch at the Red Onion and checked out the slightly used furniture at Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store-can you believe Elwood loves to shop!!
Saturday afternoon, the boys returned to Ft. Pierce and we met at  Jer and Pat's to swim in the pool and cook ribs on their grill--another fun day!
On Sunday, June 16th, we gathered at Pat and Jerren's house again for Father's Day Brunch and dinner. Pop Ron and Revis joined all of us. It was hot, so the pool was really enjoyable. Of course Elwood was the center of our attention. We just think every thing he does is wonderful! The pictures I added to this entry I hope catch the fun of each moment and of course there are a million faces of Elwood--I just want to share his every expression!
The weekend is over and I am reliving all the good times---but boy do I need some much needed ZZZZZs.....tonight.
Elwood enjoying a rib

Just relaxing poolside

Elwood hanging on to that rib!

Emmit thinking of cooling off!

Elwood visiting with Mom, Ama and Jerren!!

Now this is living! 

Hey Mom, tell me again why I need to not drink the pool water!

Pat's first Father's Day!
 Joe, Pop, Elwood and Conor made up four generations celebrating this Father's Day!!! 

 Tillman and Tilly love the sunflower heads!

Monique, Pat's sister, and her hubby Jacob left Panama City and stopped for a visit on their way to a cruise to the Bahamas--our usual gang all celebrated their visit with dinner at Pat and Jer's.

Yes, Dad, pacifiers do taste better with chocolate icing!

Dylan loves dessert!

Joe and I were enjoying our morning coffee on the porch the other morning and we heard something rustling in the palms above and down falls a gorgeous corn snake. Instead of hitting the ground he landed on a piece of bamboo we have tied above the grill --he was about 3 and half feet long and all I could think of was what if I was walking there and he had fallen on my head--that would have been one blood curdling scream! 

Caladium Time!! 
And all my bulbs are in bloom!!!
*Caladium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. They are often known by the common name elephant ear, Heart of Jesus, and Angel Wings. There are over 1000 named cultivars of Caladium bicolor from the original South American plant.