ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good Bye Bocas!

Last Few Days in Bocas
My last few days in Bocas I was determined to get a picture of a hummingbird that visited the flowers outside the AC room where we slept. It usually visited right at dawn and one morning actually stopped and rested. Since you had to be quick, I slept with my camera. As soon as I woke up, I turned my camera on, zoomed, focused, and waited. Sure enough, he appeared and I was able to catch him leaving after his fast sip of nectar. Speaking of sipping, my last few days in Bocas I was determined to sip a real martini on the breezy dock of one of the restaurants. Being mostly a wine and beer drinker, every once in a while I like to enjoy a martini. I like my martini icy cold, straight up, with vodka, dry vermouth, olive juice, and four olives. This was very hard to find in Bocas Town which is known for its rum, tequila, and tropical concoctions. Even El Limbo, one of my now favorite places to eat had difficulty making a martini. When the drink arrived, it was in a short water glass with ice and lime and I think they used sweet vermouth. I had two nights left in Bocas so Megs and I went to El Limbo and she explained to our sweet waiter in Spanish how I like my martini straight up with aceitunas. Our waiter was so polite and accommodating shaking his head in agreement that he understood and he came back with 4 olives perfectly placed on a plastic sword floating in a limey, sweet martini---kinda like a margatini. It was delicious, but not what I was expecting! Our last night in Bocas Megs and I again went to town and headed to my other favorite place-- RAW--famous for its sushi and martinis. And yes, they really do make the best martinis-it was the best I ever had....the server even brought a little bowl of extra seasoned olives to enjoy with my drink. My last night in Bocas I sat with Megs and Elwood listening to an awesome band and toasted Bocas with a real martini!
Good Bye, Bocas!

Downtown Bocas was celebrating

An El Limbo Margatini

One of my Favorite Places in Bocas

A Storm Rolling in off the Carribean

Water taxi parking lot

The Band at RAW

The Sushi Chef

Artwork outside Raw Restaurant

Heading home after a night in Bocas town!
Bye, for now Bocas!

Finally caught a picture of my
morning visitor

Bocas Airport

Elwood's first of many plane rides
between USA and Bocas
"We're leaving on a jet plane.........
don't know when I'll be back again......."
(just know it will have to be soon as Elwood lives there!)

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