ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!

ONE HAPPY Land Owner !!
Forever Weekend Farm Sunset

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Triplets hit Bocas Town

Buenos Dias Amigos
 We are all sitting here this morning with coffee. Meg is nursing, Conor is reading, and Ruth and Pip are doing a 1500 piece puzzle. I am sitting on the deck looking over the Saigon Bay and I have a few thoughts to share. When I decided to take on this venture of leaving the comfort and security of the USA it was a gigantic step for me. Those who are close to me know I will hardly leave my beloved property once home from work so I was really stepping out when I declared I was going on a month vacation to Panama to see Elwood. The most reasonable place I found to rent was also the most beautiful and I trusted all the on line reviews about Saigon Bay and the Blue House. I was renting a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2200 sq ft house for the same price it costs to rent a condo in the States for a week. Conor and Megs were in Boquete and were not familiar with the place I chose, but they were eager to get back to Bocas so it was a done deal. My sisters, Ruth and Kim, always up for an adventure and wanting to meet Elwood almost as much as me, signed on to join me-they both know my fear of flying and my fear of the unknown and decided to support my new found bravery. I love them both for that.... so after three take offs and landings we were in a water taxi headed to the Blue House in Bocas del Toro. If only someone videoed the three of us getting out of this little boat (water taxi) and climbing onto the wooden dock several feet above us. The driver jumped onto the dock to assist us the best he could-I decided to pull a Namu move and used all my upper body strength to hoist myself up and forward onto the dock. My face smashed into his snarly feet and I was there long enough to see how badly he needed a pedicure.
We all successfully scrambled out and onto the dock adjusted our clothing and hair. The house was perfect--and we settled right in to the spacious living room and kitchen. It wasn't until we decided to go to town that I got a look at why the house was so reasonably priced.  Only pictures can describe the living conditions of the poorest of the poor. I have to admit I was a bit taken back by what these locals accept as normal. I had to Goggle "third world country".
I have lived without AC and money and had my share of mosquitoes and no-see-ums. I consider myself not to be materialistic, but this was a real eye opener. The first three days I was disappointed every time we had to leave the house and walk the long dock through the mangroves and then over the daily filth of the village to fetch a taxi.
But today as I sit and watch the village children happily playing the simplest of games on the dock, the mothers hanging their wash on tree limbs smiling at me and each other, I am appreciating a new culture and realizing how out of touch I am. I take way too much for granted. I am missing something. This first week I am much wiser. Today I will walk to town.
Last night we went to Bocas Town which is on the other side of town from the Blue House. We played the role of tourists and were treated to a street full of vendors offering the most colorful wares. We ate in a restaurant right on the water where Megs and Conor first anchored the Gualby. The streets were full of wonderful aromas and people enjoying the ocean breeze. We enjoyed the local beers, music, and fresh seafood.
As always, pictures speak volumes.........

Bocas Town
The Naked Mermaid Restuarant
Lobster dinner
Mini Joe Bob--this picture has a long story
Seared Ahi Tuna
Pippy and Oma (another grandmother name I am trying out)
Singing to Elwood 
Oma and Elwood in Bocas Town
Chicklets sharing wine with dinner
Bocas Town wore Elwood out

Eating breakfast with the locals
(two geckos decided to enjoy the guava rolls with us-
you don't walk away from your mimosa or breakfast rolls in the Blue House)


Check the blog regularly to see progress on the puzzle
Anyone who can guess what the puzzle is gets a free week in the Blue House!

Some of my new neighbors


  1. What fun! Conor......apparently it's been too long since you've seen ahi-tuna! That's a face of Christmas Morning! Haha. Everyone looks great! Hugs to all! Xoxo, J
    P.S. Good reflection G-Ma! Happiness=Happiness anywhere in the world!! (Yes, I'm sticking w/ G-ma ;-) )

  2. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! This is a vacation that the three of you will never forget. How fortunate that you could share this time together! Your pictures are outstanding and so very vivid and sharp not to be outdone by your excellent writing! The food portions were so very generous. Was all of that tuna for Conor? What currency do they use in Boca? Looking forward to your next set of photos and solving the puzzle! As the winner of the Kentucky Derby said ~ "I'll Have Another!" Love, Elaine
